Every month ToHealth host two completely FREE Wellness Webinars covering topics from Corporate Health and Neurodiversity. This year, we’ll be covering areas from stress management, to supporting employees through menopause, to championing neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ in the workplace and more.

Check out the details for June’s webinars below and book now to secure your free spot today.

From Awareness to Action: Promoting Wellbeing for Neurodivergent Employees

Neurodivergent individuals face unique challenges that can impact their mental health and wellbeing.

This webinar will explore how we can move from awareness to action, using practical strategies to support neurodivergent individuals in promoting their mental health

Our expert speaker will discuss accommodations in the workplace and education, self-care and stress management, and the importance of advocacy and self-advocacy.

Attendees will leave with a greater understanding of how to create a supportive environment for neurodivergent individuals, and practical strategies for promoting their wellbeing.

Don’t miss out on this inspiring discussion!

Get your tickets here!

Taking Charge of Your Health: A Men’s Health Week Webinar

Men’s Health Week is an annual event celebrated globally to raise awareness of men’s health issues and promote healthy living. Men’s Health Week also serves as an opportunity to highlight specific health concerns that affect men, such as heart disease, prostate cancer, and mental health issues.

Through these efforts, Men’s Health Week strives to improve the overall health and well-being of men and promote a healthier society for all.

Our health and wellness expert will discuss common men’s health issues, risk factors, preventative measures, and strategies for healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction.

You will also learn how to communicate effectively with healthcare providers and seek preventative care.

By the end of the webinar, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to prioritise your health and wellbeing. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take charge of your health!

Get your tickets here!

ToHealth Webinars and Events Calendar

Did you know you can sync the ToHealth calendar DIRECTLY to your Google calendar/Outlook/iCal?

Not only will this keep you up to date with all the upcoming ToHealth events, but also keeps you up to date with all of the upcoming Corporate Health and Neurodiversity awareness dates!

Just visit the ToHealth Events page to sign up today.

Webinars FAQ

Will there be a live Q&A during the Webinars?

Due to the time constraints of the event we won’t be able to host a live Q&A, but if there are any questions at all, lease direct them to enquiries@tohealthltd.co.uk and one of our team will respond ASAP following the completion of the event.

Will the Webinars be recorded?

Yes, the session will be recorded and sent out to everyone who signs up for a ticket – so even if you can’t join us live please ensure you still sign up!

Can I request a more in-depth session?

These sessions are designed to be free 30 minute sessions to give a brief overview. ToHealth has a whole range of workshops and webinars that can be delivered both online and in person. Please reach out to us at enquiries@tohealthltd.co.uk for more information.

Can I leave feedback for the Webinars?

Absolutely – we strive to ensure our sessions are as useful and informational as possible. If you have any feedback at all, we would love to hear about it on our Trustpilot page.

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