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A close up view of assistive technology. A pair of tinted glasses and a colour overlay sit on top of a page of text.

Assistive Technology

A close up view of assistive technology. A pair of tinted glasses and a colour overlay sit on top of a page of text.

Assistive Technology


Assistive technology in the workplace is a vital contributor to employee health, growth potential and overall happiness. As A.T. experts, we’ve seen the tremendous differences it can make to people’s lives and the work they do. 

Assistive technology is defined by the B.A.T.A. as: “any product or service that maintains or improves the ability of individuals with disabilities or impairments to communicate, learn and live independent, fulfilling and productive lives”. 

It helps people every day in different ways. For individuals with a learning challenge such as dyslexia, screen readers and text-to-speech software take the stress out of reading and writing. Hearing aids and audio accessories help those with hearing loss communicate and be understood in the workplace. For people affected by sight loss, visual magnifiers help bring documents back into focus. 

Whatever the challenge, our services can help. We supply a wide range of products which enable people to overcome their work challenges and become more fulfilled employees.

A man in a black suit sits at a desk with a laptop open in front of him. The man is using a headset to control his assistive technology. The man is smiling as he looks at the screen.

“From the living room to the workplace to the classroom, assistive-technology devices and features are going mainstream”

Assistive technology today

The incorporation of accessibility technology, like narration and magnification, into hugely-popular consumer products like iPads and Chromebooks shows that even the biggest tech companies in the world understand the benefits of it. 

There’s also a realisation that assistive technology devices help everyone – not just people with learning difficulties and additional learning needs – and that’s why it needs to be included with these ubiquitous products.  

The same is true of assistive technology in the workplace. By incorporating applications like speech recognition software, screen readers and note-taking solutions into this context, making them available for everyone to use, people can work and learn better. 

It’s no longer about technology helping the individual; now it can help the group. What’s more, treating A.T. services as mainstream resources normalises their use and reduces the chances of a person feeling stigmatised for using something “different”.

“From the living room to the workplace to the classroom, assistive-technology devices and features are going mainstream”


Reduces Cognitive Load

Enables employees to concentrate on the actual task at hand. Too often, too much time is spent just trying to get started.

Prevents Anxiety

Stops the stress associated with failure to complete a task, which often increases the obstacles to better job performance.

Restores Parity

Gives individuals the chance to work on a level playing field with their colleagues, and no longer play “catch up”.

Promotes Accuracy

Reduces the likelihood of errors and opportunities for mis-communication. Helps bring more certainty to workplace dialogue.