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Training & Coaching

Training & Coaching


Neurodiversity training and coaching are important parts of implementing reasonable adjustments in a work environment. Whether an employee has dyslexia, is on the autism spectrum, faces mental health challenges or is adversely affected by another neurodiverse condition, our neurodiversity training and coaching provision helps individuals implement practices for positive change.

“Our services are not limited to neurodiverse employees. All members of staff can benefit from our neurodiversity awareness training”

Guiding Employees to Overcome their Barriers

As assistive-technology specialists, we’re well placed to provide comprehensive neurodiversity training and support to help employees get the most from new equipment or software. Similarly, our neurodiversity coaching gives employees the techniques, strategies and good practice required to make previously challenging tasks achievable and sustainable.

Our services are not limited to neurodiverse employees. All members of staff can benefit from our neurodiversity awareness training.

Our Provision

We provide neurodiversity in the workplace training, coaching and awareness sessions which cover:

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Autism spectrum
  • Mental health challenges
  • ADHD

“Our services are not limited to neurodiverse employees. All members of staff can benefit from our neurodiversity awareness training”


Equality Act Compliance

Ensure your organisation meets the legal obligation to support staff with a disability condition in the workplace.

Inclusive Work Environment

Provide a workplace environment where disability is recognised and supported to the benefit of the entire workforce.

Staff Confidence

Give employees with a disability or learning challenge, the skills they need to develop belief in their own abilities.

Efficient Processes

Remove problematic workflow concerns by giving staff the tools and strategies they require to achieve parity with their colleagues.