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A young woman with long blonde hair and wearing a black blouse sits at a table at home. In front of her is a laptop. She is moving the laptop's trackpad, reading about our available workshops and webinars.

Workshops & Webinars

A young woman with long blonde hair and wearing a black blouse sits at a table at home. In front of her is a laptop. She is moving the laptop's trackpad, reading about our available workshop and webinars.

Workshops & Webinars


Delivered either on-site or online by our Health and Wellness Experts, our workshops and webinars aim to inform employees and managers on a range of pertinent issues and conditions which can adversely affect workplace wellbeing.

They are targeted at real-life needs and requirements, build employee resilience and increase corporate potential, giving staff the tools they need to manage their own physical and mental wellbeing, safeguarding their future health and offering ideas and strategies for positive change.

They’re designed for both employees and employers to work together to create highly-functioning and healthy working environments. Our Health and Wellness Team are all subject matter experts within physiology, psychology, nutrition, mental health and public health and whilst we have established sessions on offer, we can further develop our sessions to meet your specific needs and objectives.

Our webinars cover:

  • Social Wellbeing
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Physical Wellbeing
A group of people wearing casual clothes are surrounding a laptop. Some people are sat at a table looking at the screen while others are standing in the background also looking at the laptop screen. They are all researching tohealth's workshops and webinars.


Social Wellbeing

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About this Webinar:

We live in a digital age. Digital technology advancements continue to permeate every area of our lives. The birth of the computer in 1946 sparked a digital revolution in society that continues to intensify.

Digital technology has made our world reachable with its expanding information highways through the use of the internet. Through it, we have reinvented the way we interact and communicate with others through the use of mobile phones, emails, conference calls, social media apps, among others. And now with working remotely being a large factor of our working lives, we need digital technology more than ever!

But what are the pitfalls of too much ‘tech-time’? Can too much screen time, accompanied with less and less social interaction with others, really be affecting our physical and mental health?

This workshop looks at the risks associated with our constant need to be ‘plugged-in’, and also the benefits of taking some time out from technology – in what we’re calling a ‘Digital Detox’.

About this Webinar:

Learn to implement positive habits and break unhelpful habits in your day by discovering practical tips and tools to prioritise your own work-life balance in these new ways of working.

About this Webinar:

Social connection is the concept that human beings feel we belong to a group and generally feel close to other people. Let us think about what connection and communication actually is in the modern world.

This workshop delves in to effective communication and how to utilise human bonds and interactions to get the most out of our days and strengthen one of the most powerful tools we can equip ourselves with, a sense of belonging.

About this Webinar:

This unique workshop is facilitated to allow the upmost interaction and engagement.

With individual wellbeing at the heart of the content, this session is recommended for both individual growth and team cohesion to support each other through their wellbeing journey. The PERMA+R model of wellbeing is the backbone to this experience.

Using activities to raise self-awareness and bringing to light wellbeing topics to consider whilst really emphasising the importance of a holistic approach to wellbeing for individuals and teams.

About this Webinar:

Learn two simple exercises which can help you develop positive mental wellbeing and increased sense of happiness. This is our feel-good session – perfect as part of a health and wellbeing strategy or conference event!

About this Webinar:

You will be guided through a system of simple movements, exercises and techniques to stimulate brain function and wake up your brain to perform more effectively.

After doing these movements and activities, the brain is stimulated and the rest of the body is more relaxed allowing for better engagement and higher performance in any tasks.

About this Webinar:

Learn how to identify your extrinsic and intrinsic motivators and how these can influence how you feel at work. Explore practical tips you can apply through your working hours to remain engaged and driven.

About this Webinar:

The aim of this workshop is focused around developing employee’s emotional intelligence and ability to effectively regulate their emotions in all aspects of their life.

The workshop will be split up into the three key areas of emotional regulation: self-awareness, using emotions as information and regulating emotions.

About this Webinar:

This workshop helps employees handle change in the workplace and strategies to cope with a change in dynamic.

Delegates will explore the stages of change and consider lifestyle factors to consider in relation to stress management.

About this Webinar:

This workshop provides attendees with the opportunity to consider how they well they are managing their time.

They will understand how to prioritise more efficiently and understand the importance of developing new habits that will enable them to be more productive at work and achieve a better work/life balance.

About this Webinar:

This workshop is designed for any colleagues working at home and outlines the benefits that remote working can bring, and top tips to work well including establishing boundaries, working around children and staying connected.

Mental Wellbeing

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About this Webinar:

Examine the four pillars of resilience and understand how to incorporate elements of each to stay safe and well during the global pandemic.

About this Webinar:

Delegates will learn what mindfulness is and how it can lead to improved resilience; how to apply simple mindfulness techniques to improve stress management and develop positive mental health.

Each attendee will leave with an expanded toolbox of skills they can apply into their lifestyle to develop resilience.

About this Webinar:

Understand more about the prevalence and background to mental health issues; what mental wellbeing is and how this is different to mental health.

You’ll learn what stress is, how it affects us and how to spot common signs and symptoms of stress. Most importantly, you’ll learn useful practical tips and activities to help manage stress more effectively.

About this Webinar:

A practical workshop exploring application of mindfulness into your lifestyles and how applying mindfulness techniques can be simple, effective and done anywhere at any time.

This workshop will include the practice of 2-3 mindfulness techniques.

About this Webinar:

This session will help you to develop a plan for positive thinking by understanding how to turn negative thoughts into positives and by using thought-awareness techniques.

About this Webinar:

This workshop aims to increase your awareness of what resilience is, misconceptions around resilience and the link between resilience and not only our mental but our physical health too.

Focusing on the ‘4 pillars of resilience’, we will explore our thinking habits and set realistic and achievable goals around having a healthier lifestyle.

We will discuss the research behind resilience and how no matter where you’re starting, becoming more resilient will not only help you in your work life, but your personal life too.

About this Webinar:

This workshop will explore what actually is anger, worry and burnout and the psychological link between all three conditions. Additionally, the causes and symptoms of burnout will be discussed; with a particular emphasis placed on helping employees determine if they might be on the road to burnout.

The second section of the workshop will focus on how to prevent, intervene and recover from these debilitating conditions. This section will follow a three-step procedure. Firstly recognising there may be an issue and identifying your own causes and symptoms. Secondly, using strategies and coping skills to reverse the damage done and finally, how to rebuild and recover.

About this Webinar:

This half day workshop will help employees to understand the definition of mental health and the causes and effects of poor mental health.

We will work with employees to reduce the stigma associated with mental health by becoming more aware of the importance of good mental health, how to take action against stigma and further understanding of common illnesses, such as anxiety and depression.

Employees will learn what they can do to support their colleagues in the workplace by exploring how to have a quality conversation and understand the support and resources available.

The workshop will conclude with activities for employees to take away to improve their own mental health and wellbeing through lifestyle (such as mindfulness, exercise, nutrition and sleep).

Physical Wellbeing

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About this Webinar:

A practical workshop which will guide you through the principles of immunity and provide knowledge to best support our immune system and overall health during the winter months.

We will be focusing on key areas of mental wellbeing, physical activity and nutrition, discussing how each element can play an important role during these months.

About this Webinar:

The aim of this workshop is to provide a greater understanding to the terminology that is Long COVID.

In these 60 minutes you will be exploring what is Long COVID, signs and symptoms of Long COVID, the importance of self-management and support to increase your wellness when going through Long COVID.

About this Webinar:

An informative workshop to look at our immune systems with how we interact with our environment both positively and negatively and the way this affects our immunity, as well as a deeper look into what our immune systems are.

About this Webinar:

Understand the importance of sleep and why it is one of the most effective ways to improve health and wellbeing. You’ll learn what happens when we sleep and common blockers that impact good quality sleep.

This session will help you to develop good sleep habits (even if people work shifts) to enable the best quality sleep.

About this Webinar:

You will understand the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and learn more about some of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Learn signs and symptoms to look out for and how to lead a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This workshop works well in conjunction with our Health Assessment days.

About this Webinar:

Learn information about balancing blood sugar levels and energy “zappers”, and how they influence how you feel.

Understand how you can identify these in your nutritional choices to work more productively with higher concentration levels and a more stable mood.

About this Webinar:

During this workshop, attendees will understand how to effectively take control of their weight for the long term to reduce health risk, improve body image, end the diet fad cycles and achieve a body they are happy with.

About this Webinar:

Being active plays a huge part in our day to day lives and this can be significantly disrupted when socially distancing or self-isolating, but we’ll help you with practical and realistic ways to stay active.

About this Webinar:

Understand the background and key facts relating to back health and common back-related issues.

Explore the role of the core, common posture shapes vs a healthy posture, correct seating posture, and simple exercises to do to support a healthy back (both at a desk and as part of an exercise routine).

About this Webinar:

Understand what factors can lead to ageing and common changes during the aging process including awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Explore how nutrition, physical activity and challenging your cognitive function can help slow ageing, to help you live longer with a higher quality of life and age well at work.

About this Webinar: Explore common dietary myths, key components of a healthy diet and it’s benefits; understand portion sizes and what to look out for on food labels and help you make positive nutrition choices. You’ll come away with practical ways to make healthy eating choices more simple and specific to your health goals.

About this Webinar:

The misplaced expectation of the need for men to be the ‘strong and silent’ type often results in a tendency to ignore your health and wellbeing.

This workshop, specifically designed for men, will help you look after your body and mind, and help you lead a happy and more fulfilled life.

This workshop includes topics such as; nutrition, exercise, prostate cancer awareness and mental health.

About this Webinar:

In this workshop, designed for women, you’ll learn more about the common pressures faced as a woman and how to combat some of these, the female cycle, female-specific cancer awareness and how to maintain good mental health.

About this Webinar:

This workshop will help you understand the biological and physiological changes the body undergoes during the menopause, an inevitable stage of a woman’s life. It will draw attention to the possible symptoms and side-effects a woman may expect due to the changing hormone levels prior to and during this stage of life.

How to best prepare for and manage menopausal symptoms will be discussed including lifestyle care, complimentary / alternative therapies and hormone replacement therapy, as well as signposting information on diagnosis guidelines, support and resources.

About this Webinar:

The misplaced expectation of the need for men to be the ‘strong and silent’ type often results in a tendency to ignore your health and wellbeing.

This workshop, specifically designed for men, will help you look after your body and mind, and help you lead a happy and more fulfilled life.

This workshop includes topics such as; nutrition, exercise, prostate cancer awareness and mental health.


Leverage our expertise

Take advantage of our experience and utilise in-house resources elsewhere by letting ToHealth build your employee wellness strategy.

Create a wellness road map

Demonstrate your commitment to employee health by devising a plan for continuing employee wellbeing and health risk management.

Involve your staff

Increase employee engagement with their own health and encourage staff to take responsibility for their lifestyle choices.

Gain business advantages

Maximise opportunities for growth and see increased productivity by tackling health-related staff management issues pre-emptively.